It's finally gotten a bit warm and it hasn't rained for several days. The apples trees are all in bloom and the native polllinators are happily out and about. The trees are buzzing when you walk under them. I don't really know what all the bugs are but there are some kind of little bumblebees. I haven't seen any actual honey bees so far. There are a couple of hives on the island but they must have enough to eat closer to home.
The tree above is an Enterprise apple. This has become about our favorite apple. It is crisp and juicy and keeps on the porch until March in good condition. What else can we ask for in an apple.

A bit later than the domestic apples are the native crabapples,
Malus fusca, nartive only to the area west of the Cascade Mountains. They are all over the farm. When fully mature they have a lovely round shape and in the fall are covered with tiny little yellow apples that the birds like.
The place came with an orchard planted about the time the house was built, about 100 years ago, but they are slowly dying out. We've been planting new apple and other fruit trees around the place for the upcoming generations.
I do like the idea that you are planting trees for future generations Margaret. We have plenty of crab apple trees on our farm - the cattle love to eat them although they are very sour. Our blossom is over now but many of the fruits have died off because the weather is so dry. I fell it will not be a good crop this year.