A little bit of October at the Farmers Market. Above you see two kinds of apples, Crimson Gravensteins, and one we call the Apple Pie apple because no one has so far been able to identify it. It is one of the 100 year old apple trees on the farm and because of its tart taste it's great for cooking. There are also Bosc pears, Sehome Italian prunes, mixed cherry tomatoes, mini peppers, and corn. We'll hold one more outdoor market at the courthouse parking lot next Saturday, take the following weekend off and go visit kids on the mainland, and then on November 1 move into the high school cafeteria for the winter market.
Hi Margaret - had a hard time getting on to your comments page but finally made it. Those apples in your banner at the top of your blog look so appetising! And then all the things you are going to do with them sound so delicious. Good luck in selling them at the Farmers Markets - have been to a few in U S and Canada and they are wonderful. (Ate fiddle shoots from market in Canada - they were delicious.)