I finished the warp of brown and rust placemats yesterday and this morning tied a new warp to the old one. I do this when the pattern is exactly the same as the one on the loom. It saves quite a bit of time as compared to sleying and threading the new warp and since I am sure that all the sleying and threading errors have been found and fixed on the old warp I can wind the new one on knowing it will be correct.

Once the new warp is tied to the old one I have to gently tease the knots through the reed and the heddles. Occasionally one knot will come untied but this warp went on without a hitch. I won't get to work on it today as I have a sub job for an English teacher at the high school in Friday Harbor tomorrow and need to go over this evening in order to be there when school starts. This time of year there isn't enough daylight in the morning to make it to town by 8:00. I'm also madly finishing up a second batch of apple butter before I go. Subbing is a bit crazy as I never know more than a day or so ahead of time when I will be needed. But I love the job and the kids and organize getting there willingly.
I do so enjoy reading of all your exploits but rarely can I get a comment on your blog. So if you get this please realise that I do read it every time you put a new blog on and I really enjoy it.