Ah, we are finally getting warmish days and nights that are staying above freezing (even occasionally above 40) and the plants that survived the winter are responding. Here are three of our standby overwintered vegetables. Above is purple sprouting broccoli.

And a variety of overwintered cauliflower. These and the sprouting broccolis are planted in June in flats and planted out into the garden in July. They grow all summer and fall, and hopefully survive the winter to start flowering in the spring. The taste is nothing like their summer counterparts. These vegetables are so sweet and tender.

Our real mainstay are kale buds. Napini is the term for the buds of any brassica, cabbage, brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, collards, kale. Each taste slightly different but all are tasty nutritious spring treats. They should be steamed or sauted quickly as they easily overcook as they are so tender.
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