It's spring break and our oldest daughter arrived yesterday with family, neighbor, and a passel of friends on their fishing boat.

Today she came over and helped me dig up and move the dahlias. They are planted in a 40" bed, in rows 3 feet apart, 30" apart in the rows. After three years they are so huge that I can't get between the plants to harvest the fowers. So then they get dug up, the big bunches of tubers thinned out, and replanted.

They go into the new bed the same way. We'll move the mulch from the old bed to the new and plant peas in the old bed.
Hello to J and family! I think I recognize a few faces in the crowd at the boat but...probably have at least some of them wrong, it's been so many years. Glad you got the dahlias sorted out and replanted. Bet it feels good to get that taken care of. It was a beautiful day here too! :-)