Friday, January 25, 2008


As I went out to the barn this morning I noticed that the first snowdrops are up and in bud under our old birch tree. Our neighbors have been in bloom for a couple of weeks, but it is very shady where ours are and it takes them a bit longer. But I never cease to be amazed that the fragile little things come up regardless of the weather and temperature at this time of year. Obviously warmth must be part of what triggers them as that would be why the ones across the road bloom first, but a week ago when this cold spell began they were not up. The sun has been shining during the day and creating some warmth, but the ground has remained frozen. Those little flowers know that the days are beginning to be longer when when I'm not sure I can notice it yet. Although it is now after 5:00 PM and still light outside. Yay!!!

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