Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fabric Magic

 I'm still in a mad potholder making frenzy.  Decided to make up 3 warps of about 30 potholders each and then I can forget about them until next October for Christmas sales.  I am eager to get on with other things but am having fun anyway.  The one above shows what happens when I tear up a plaid fabric into strips and then weave with them.  Wonderful patterns emerge.  The next one is different depending on where I begin with the first strip.
Here's the fabric  before I cut it up.  Magic.

1 comment:

  1. I still treasure one of the potholders you sent me Margaret - I can't bear to use it but keep it hanging by the Aga - the other one I use every day and it always reminds me of our friendship. Lovely to have you back and also to see that lovely header.
