Sunday, March 10, 2013

Spring Update

 Yesterday was one of those early spring days when you can actually get outside and do something.  As long as I stayed in the sun I was warm and the soil was warm.  So I finally got to weeding one of the two beds of biennial flowers.  This bed of Sweet William, Canterbury Bells, and carnations was planted in flats last June and into the ground in late summer as soon as a bed was free.  They are growing  nicely and we'll have flowers from them in May and into June.
 And while I was doing that Joel was planting a bed of early spinach.  It may be jumping the gun a bit but it's worth a risk.  He'll cover the bed with a floating row cover to keep it a bit warmer and with any luck we'll have an early crop of spinach.  The hoophouse right behind him has little Asian greens coming up nicely in it.
 This time of year we can let the chickens out to run every afternoon.  They poke around in the weeds and mulch and eat bugs and slugs and slug eggs.  They are a great clean up crew.  Later in the season we won't be able to let them run as they eat too many small seedlings.  So enjoy yourselves, ladies.
And, as I walked back to the house I noticed that the rhubarb is coming up.  I love the turn of the season.

1 comment:

  1. We let our hens out into the garden for a little while before we plant up Margaret. They are brilliant at finding slugs and slug eggs.
